About Us

What We're All About

This section will highlight BFA’s vision, objectives, and ministry work
in a concise, inspiring way.

Vision Statement

To reach the brokenhearted in all nations, promoting wholesome
healing, restoration, and deliverance, in the body of Christ.

Our Mission

We bring restoration to the hurting, fostering self-esteem,
forgiveness, and love through Christ. Our goal is to help others
overcome pain, rejection, and bitterness while empowering them to
help others.


Who we serve

  • Individuals facing emotional, physical, or mental abuse.
  • People suffering from barrenness, widowhood, divorce, or suicidal thoughts.
  • Disabled individuals and their families.
  • illegitimate children and their parents discouraged families and more.

What We Do

  • Host interdenominational camp meetings, support groups,
  • one-on-one ministry, and conferences.
  • 24-hour telephone counseling.
  • Healing School to equip people for holistic restoration.
  • Spiritual rehabilitation center (future project).
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Professional Certification

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